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Why Springtime Allergies Could Make You Want to Take a Sick Day

2017-03-20 15:23:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

Pollen counts vary from day to day, but Florida has one of the highest pollen counts year round. High pollen counts can result in severe allergy and asthma attacks with symptoms including sinus pressure that causes facial pain around the cheeks and eyes, body pain, headaches and migraines. Pollen counts are usually lower when the […]


What A Pain: Headache Types and Management for Them

2017-03-16 09:47:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

Each year, around 45 million Americans complain about headaches.  It is one of the ailments people complain about the most. Approximately 8 million people per year make a trip to the doctor to seek diagnosis and management for headaches.  Making a correct diagnosis is the most efficient way to get control of this common problem. […]


Time to Repeal Obamacare

2017-03-10 13:02:00 Internal Medicine Of SWFL

Healthcare: one of the most important facets of our lives, and rapidly becoming one of the most pervasive and expensive ones. In 2009, the Congress passed ObamaCare in one of the most dubious fashions ever seen in Washington politics. The legion of broken promises which the health care law was predicated on still reverberate throughout […]


A Possible New Use for Ketamine? Depression and Aggression

2017-03-08 15:57:50 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL TMS of SW Florida

Depressive Symptoms Associated With Aggression Violence is not usually considered to be related to depression, yet findings suggest an association between violent behavior and depression or depressive symptoms in many different disorders. A Swedish study compared the criminal records of 47,158 depressed individuals with the records of 898,454 people with no history of depression matched […]


Daylight Saving Time: Are You On a Sleep Schedule?

2017-03-07 12:42:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

As daylight saving time gets closer, preparing a sleep schedule is important for your body. According to The National Institute of Health, the average adult aged 25 to 60 needs between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Cutting back on sleep hours can take a toll on your body. In fact, not getting […]


The Basics About Fatty Liver Disease

2017-03-07 09:37:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 10 Americans have some form of liver disease.  About 25 percent of Americans have some degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is the buildup of extra fat in the liver cells that is not caused by alcohol. The liver is supposed […]


Free Lung Cancer Seminar to Educate Local Community

2017-03-03 11:38:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

Allergy Sleep & Lung Care will be hosting a free lung cancer seminar on Thursday, April 20 at 5:30 p.m. The seminar will be held at the Healthy Life Center at Coconut Point on 23190 Fashion Dr., Suite 105 in Estero, and will focus on providing education on lung cancer detection and advancements in treatment. […]


How Do Gallstones Occur?

2017-02-27 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

Abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints people tell their doctors. There are numerous causes for such pain, many of which will resolve on their own over time. Some abdominal pains can be more complicated, troubling, and even life-threatening. One such cause of abdominal pain is gallstone obstruction. Gallstones are common and often […]


Low-Dose Ketamine In Treating Depression: An Outsider’s Perception

2017-02-22 13:01:39 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL TMS of SW Florida

As both a healthcare professional and a parent of a child who suffers from treatment resistant depression and anxiety, I have been quite attentive to the changes that arise in an individual after receiving low-dose ketamine. I thought it would be helpful to share my observations with others who are contemplating offering this innovative treatment […]


Ketamine Featured in the Globe and Mail: Offers New Hope for Patients with Severe Depression

2017-02-20 12:20:14 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL Psychiatry TMS of SW Florida

WENCY LEUNG The Globe and Mail Published Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017 3:23PM EST Last updated Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017 5:18PM EST Inspired by promising research into ketamine’s therapeutic effects, people are swapping strategies online on how to use the drug to ease their despair. Could ‘Special K’ be a panacea for depression? Wency Leung reports John woke […]


What is Psoriasis?

2017-02-20 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

Psoriasis is a common disease with variable presentations.  Recently, socialite Kim Kardashian spoke out on her experience living with it. Psoriasis often presents with a scaling rash but it is not contagious. This chronic disorder affects more than 7 million Americans. Most people develop psoriasis between the ages of 15 and 35 but I have […]


The Importance of Fiber in Your Diet

2017-02-13 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

  You’ve probably heard you should have fiber in your diet. However, what you may not know is the “Why?” Dietary fiber is essential for maintaining your health in a lot of different ways. Fiber is best known for its ability to allow people to go to the bathroom regularly by preventing and relieving constipation. […]


The Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

2017-02-06 09:37:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

  You may have heard the Mediterranean diet is one of the best heart healthy diets. It’s based on common foods and recipes from the Mediterranean region. Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease, improving a person’s cholesterol profile and providing good fats. Now, a new study has been […]


Benefits of Magnesium

2017-01-31 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

  How much do you know about magnesium? Magnesium is a mineral that is vital to the body; it is found in the muscles, organs, body tissue, blood stream, but mainly is in high concentration in our bones. The average adult body has 25g of magnesium within it.   This mineral is present in more […]


Veteran Praises Dr. Ahmad for Breathing Better After COPD Diagnosis

2017-01-27 11:14:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, an estimated 15 million Americans suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, most commonly known as COPD, and millions more are likely to have it but are unaware of it. In comparison to the general population, veterans are three times more likely to develop COPD, as presented […]

knee pain

Types of Knee Pain

2017-01-27 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

  Unfortunately, knee pain is a common problem that most people experience at some point in their lives. We’re always on the move, so our knees are constantly being put to work. Exercise, heavy lifting, sports, a bad fall, and other activities can cause both minor and serious injuries in and around the knee. Knee […]


Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat

2017-01-25 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

  Don’t fear fat! Fat doesn’t make you fat. Some of the most nutritious foods out there are high in fat. The human body needs fat, because it gives us energy, builds cell membranes, helps with blood clotting and muscle movement, reduces inflammation, and helps us absorb some vitamins and minerals. There are “good” fats […]


When Is Depression ‘Treatment Resistant’?

2017-01-23 12:50:44 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL Psychiatry TMS of SW Florida

  Lacking a consensus definition of TRD, some patients receive multiple trials of SSRIs when they might better respond to alternative treatments such as transcranial magnetic stimulation or electroconvulsive therapy.   When should you, the prescriber, conclude that your patient with depression is “treatment resistant,” and thereby eligible for alternative non-pharmacological interventions—such as vagus nerve […]


Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Talks About Lung Cancer to Survivors and Patients

2017-01-23 11:34:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad recently visited a lung cancer support group meeting to speak with caregivers, survivors and patients going through a lung cancer diagnosis. He spoke about screening, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment plans. He also talked about targeted therapy for lung cancer and low-dose CT scans for lung cancer screening. “It was a pleasure […]


The Truth About Aspartame

2017-01-23 09:58:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

  You’ve probably heard of the low-calorie sweetener aspartame or have seen it in on the nutrition label of a food you’ve purchased. In fact, you probably have consumed it without even knowing- 200 million people around the world consume this ingredient throughout the year!   It is what provides the “sweet” in NutraSweet, Equal, […]

plastic surgery tretment concept with young woman

Preparing for Facial Plastic Surgery: What to Know

2017-01-20 04:00:00 Facial, Plastic & Laser Center

The success of your facial plastic surgery depends largely on the skill and experience of the surgeon you select. However, there are a few things you can do on your own to increase the likelihood of a smooth operation and recovery. Some of these are merely following instructions given by the surgical team and others […]


Venous insufficiency affects men, too.

2017-01-19 14:11:00 Vein Specialists at Royal Palm

Working in the engineering department for two local TV stations, Matthew Gaige was on his feet most of the day. Standing on the job got a little tougher during the last few years, as he struggled with a chronic leg condition. “For about four years, I’ve had blistering sores about three inches around on my […]


Dr. Ahmad Discusses Rising Pollen Counts and Allergies on NBC

2017-01-04 12:34:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

Allergy Sleep & Lung Care’s Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad discusses how rising pollen counts impact allergies and how to treat and manage symptoms on NBC. View the video below.


New Year, New You: Why Now is the Time to Quit Smoking

2017-01-04 10:45:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

There is no better time to kick bad habits than the start of a new year. If you’re one of the seven in 10 Americans who want to quit smoking, this is an opportune time to make strides to finally kick the habit. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. According to the CDC, […]

vitamins c

The Benefits of Vitamin C

2016-12-28 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

It’s cold and flu season across the country. As you’ve probably seen, flu shots have been popping up left and right at local clinics and pharmacies. For preventative at-home care, many people know to turn to vitamin C to ward off colds and flus; vitamin C, along with other vitamins, helps our immune systems function […]


What is Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease?

2016-12-21 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) affects around 200,000 Americans every year. According to the West Central Health District in Georgia, they believe this season could be a recording-breaking year for HFMD. By mid-November, the University of Maryland has reported 14 cases of HFMD. Earlier this year, there was an outbreak (closer to home) at Florida State University […]


How Often Should I Schedule Bellafill Treatment?

2016-12-21 04:00:00 Facial, Plastic & Laser Center

As Dr. Douglas Stevens mentioned in the last post, Bellafill results typically take up to three months to stabilize. Something his Bellafill patients often ask is: once the desired effects have appeared, how long can they be expected to last? Another common question: is it necessary to schedule Bellafill treatment on a regular basis? Dr. […]


Dr. Ahmad Talks About Sleep Apnea on NBC-2

2016-12-19 14:46:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

Board Certified Sleep Medicine physician and founder of Allergy, Sleep & Lung Care, Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, was interviewed by the local NBC station about the importance of diagnosing and treating sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia. View the video below.


What is a Lipidologist?

2016-12-16 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

In short, a lipidologist is a cholesterol specialist, and Lee County is home to only board certified clinical lipidologist: Dr. Kordonowy of Internal Medicine, Lipid & Wellness of Fort Myers. Dr. Kordonowy is Board Certified in clinical lipidology. He has received extensive training in cholesterol management, cardiovascular risk assessment, and intervention. Cholesterol is something that […]


Top 10 Medical Innovations to Watch Out for in 2017

2016-12-14 20:01:02 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL Psychiatry TMS of SW Florida

As 2016 winds down, the medical community is already looking toward the future — 2017, to be exact. Now in its 11th year, Ohio’s esteemed Cleveland Clinic is releasing its Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2017. (1) More than 100 doctors and researchers pored over nearly 200 nominations of medical innovations that have a high chance of healing […]


Publix deli worker has fashion show after varicose vein removal

2016-12-13 10:47:00 Vein Specialists at Royal Palm

Sheila returned to the office today for her second vein procedure. Now two weeks out from her left leg laser endovenous ablation and varicose vein removal, she is the talk of the deli! Not only does her leg feel better but she couldn’t help but to brag to her fellow employees on how good her […]

Woman holding on leg. Isolated on white

External Bleeding from small calf veins can be sign of underlying problem

2016-12-12 10:30:00 Vein Specialists at Royal Palm

Have seen back to back patients this morning with severe venous insufficiency involving the left great saphenous vein.  Both patients had history of multiple episodes of significant external hemorrhage.  Neither had external signs of varicose veins but both had what appeared to be large spider veins (called telangiectasias) in the pretibial region (front of the […]


How to Manage Post-Holiday Bloating

2016-12-12 09:44:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

The holiday season isn’t even over yet, but you’ve already had your share of stuffing, turkey, wine, pie, cookies, and every other goodie you can possibly imagine. Often, after indulging in all this food, a person can feel bloated, which is when the stomach is swollen after eating.  This bloating can cause pain, discomfort, the […]

Woman Relaxing Lying On A Couch At Home

8 Tips For The Ultimate Holiday Sleep

2016-12-09 15:26:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care Uncategorized

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and also the busiest. Between parties, shopping and getting ready for the season, this time of the year can lead to a lack of sleep. In preparation for the holiday buzz, it is important not only to keep sleep on your wish list but also make it […]


Vein disease causes leg cramps

2016-12-08 09:37:00 Vein Specialists at Royal Palm

Just saw Susan H. back 2 weeks after her left Great saphenous vein closure and she commented on how the very next morning she only had cramps in the non treated leg , the treated leg cramps we gone.  Has not had left leg cramps in last 2 weeks.  Excited to hear this great news, […]


Check your veins before (or after) hip or knee replacement! Reduce your risks of complications.

2016-12-06 23:37:00 Vein Specialists at Royal Palm

This patient had left leg swelling for the past six months since his left total knee replacement. He had two ultrasounds which negative for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) yet his swelling and pain persisted. On further review of his history he stated that he had had swelling in his left leg for some years prior […]


Prepare Your Skin for Winter

2016-12-02 15:15:00 Facial, Plastic & Laser Center

  Florida winters brings dryer weather requiring increased efforts to protect and hydrate the skin. Fortunately, we have excellent products to do just that! Our Hydrating serum, Age Defense Vitamin C serum, and fabulous moisturizers will keep your skin healthy with a youthful glowing appearance. Let’s talk in some detail about these products.   Our […]


Preventing Mental Illness With a Stress Vaccine

2016-11-29 15:10:32 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL Psychiatry TMS of SW Florida

Influenced by a school shooting, a neuroscientist is on a mission to change how both the brain and immune system handle stress.       “…By the time Brachman’s results were published, in January 2015, she’d long since moved on to and completed a doctoral program at Columbia University, where she had begun collaborating with the […]

acid reflux

What Is Acid Reflux?

2016-11-29 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

  Put a little extra spicy sauce on your dinner? Or, did you overeat last night? There’s a good chance you may feel like your breathing fire right now. Suffering from heartburn with that burning sensation in your chest is no fun. Nearly everyone experiences heartburn in their life. However, if you’ve been experiencing heartburn […]


Are You At Risk for Prediabetes?

2016-11-22 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

More than 54 million people in the United States have prediabetes. Are you one of them? When a person has type 2 diabetes, it is almost always after they had prediabetes, which is when the blood glucose is higher than normal but not as high as someone with diabetes. Most people find out they are […]


When Will I See Results after Bellafill Treatment?

2016-11-21 04:00:00 Facial, Plastic & Laser Center

Bellafill is a dermal filler approved by the FDA for the correction of nasolabial folds and moderate to severe facial acne scars on the cheeks. Dr. Stevens uses Bellafill to add volume and youthful contours. One of the advantages of Bellafill and other dermal fillers is that they deliver quick results without significant downtime. Are […]

High angle view of whole pies and plates with slices. Traditiona

Nutrition During the Holidays

2016-11-18 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

Turkey. Stuffing. Pies. Candy canes. Egg nog. The holiday season is a time notorious for sweet treats and expanding waistlines. People spend time with their friends and families at parties tadalafil and special gatherings, which unfortunately are planned around lots of high-calorie meals and desserts. According to the National Institutes of Health, overeating during the holidays […]


How Stress Affects the Body

2016-11-14 10:40:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

We’re headed into the busiest time of year with parties, shopping, baking, crowds, entertaining, deadlines, and commitments galore! Meanwhile, we’re all still handling our everyday tasks like work, family, errands, health/fitness, and social activities. It’s a no-brainer that all these things going on in your life add up to stress, whether good or bad.   […]


A Feature in The Lancet – Ketamine for Depression: The Highs and Lows

2016-11-08 15:12:57 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL Psychiatry TMS of SW Florida

It’s so good to see esteemed medical journals like The Lancet publishing content about Ketamine. If you’re looking for information about ketamine from a scientific research perspective a terrific article was published in The Lancet and the information is still very descriptive and accurate. Here’s a snippet from the article and a link to the […]


As Seen in the News-Press: Cancer Survivor Gives Back with Fort Myers Support Group

2016-11-07 17:06:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

Dr. Ahmad spoke about the importance of lung cancer awareness and the dangers of lack of funding for the disease with the News-Press. View the article below. By Craig Handel Melissa Crouse’s 11-year journey with cancer has taken her to Washington D.C. for congressional hearings and it has won her an Emmy for telling her […]


Depression: The Symptoms May Not Be As Consistent As You Think

2016-11-01 16:14:37 Psychiatric Associates of SWFL Psychiatry TMS of SW Florida

Research Findings Underscore Striking prednisone Heterogeneity of Depression Depression is generally considered to be a specific and consistent disorder characterized by a fixed set of symptoms and often treated with a combination of psychotherapy and medication. However, the standard rating scales used by healthcare professionals and researchers to diagnose this disease often differ in the symptoms […]


The Basics of Your Consultation Appointment

2016-10-26 23:38:00 Facial, Plastic & Laser Center

Before going to your plastic surgery consultation appointment, you might be feeling a little nervous. You might not know what to expect, and you might be worried that your plastic surgeon won’t understand your needs.   Consultation appointments are meant to be low-stress environments where you can express your concerns and get the answers you need […]


Facts About Pneumonia

2016-10-26 09:00:00 IMLW of Fort Myers

You probably heard the respiratory infection “pneumonia” being referenced pretty often in the news last month. After Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fell ill during a 9/11 ceremony, her physician revealed she was diagnosed two days prior with pneumonia.  Clinton stated that she didn’t think her pneumonia was going to be “that big a deal.” […]


Don’t Forget Your Annual Lung Screening for Healthy Lung Month

2016-10-25 13:04:00 Allergy Sleep & Lung Care

October is dominated by the color pink as the nation rallies to promote breast cancer awareness. However, it is also a month to focus on preventing another, even more deadly disease, lung cancer. October is Healthy Lung Month, dedicated to raising awareness for lung diseases and providing tips to keep your lungs healthy. The main […]

Hospital Hdr

MACRA Is Not SMART! or We Eat Our Own, Don’t We? or Will the Cannibals Please Rise?

2016-10-22 18:58:00 Internal Medicine Of SWFL

MACRA Wants To Reward Consolidation Of Health Care. Monopoly for the Government.   This week our local medical society hosted a speaker/ health care consultant, Mr. David J. Zetter.  His task was to inform us of the latest and final proposed ruling for the future Medicare program.  The acronym for this legislation and ruling is […]