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Trying to find the right doctor online just by doing a Google or Yahoo search is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Let IPALC help. It is what we are here for.


IPALC offers a FREE patient call service.


How does it work?

Simply dial 239-204-3990 and you will be automatically connected to a knowledgeable caring operator who, securely and confidentially under strict HIPPA compliance, can search their database of vetted Independent Physicians of Lee County, Florida based on your specific needs.


The operator will help match you to the right tadalafil physician based on condition, location and proximity, and preferences.


Once a potential match is made the caller is then given all of the physician’s office information such as address, direct phone number, and website address so that they are able to further evaluate the doctor themselves.
When a physician is chosen, simply call to schedule your appointment with the office directly. IPALC’s patient call line is a free service. You may call as many prednisone times as you like for as many referrals as you need. Operators are standing by.